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We received an email from Kyle (a member), asking us about the best compression knee sleeve for squats.
So, before writing this article, we decided to chat with Kyle first. That gave us a chance to find out about his routine and learn exactly what he was looking for.
Like most folks who do squats, Kyle found himself experiencing discomfort in his knees. He mentioned that he had been using knee wraps as well as another brand of knee sleeve, both of which he purchased on Amazon.
Unfortunately, the wraps proved to be restrictive and the knee sleeves were total crap.
Naturally he was frustrated and wanted a better solution, so we obliged his request.
After chatting with Kyle, we spent a few weeks doing some research. And eventually, we purchased a pair of knee sleeves for testing.
We got a lot of feedback from folks at the local gym and a few “power lifters” in the bodybuilding community.
They all had good things to say about Rehband knee sleeves. So we purchased a pair of those.
STOP! Before you read any further, let’s get one thing out of the way. These Rehband knee sleeves ain’t cheap. So if you’d prefer to protect your knees with a pair of cheap knee sleeves, skip this article. But we do wish you and your knees all the best.
- Flexible
- Tight supportive grip
- Keeps knees warm
- Stays in place during workouts
- Quality product & reputable brand
- Premium comes with a price
- Not sold as a pair
- Limited colors
The Best Compression Knee Sleeve Must Be High Quality & Functional
Rehband is a high-end company that makes quality products which are built to last.
They also sponsor many athletes and international competitions.
Furthermore, their products are made in Estonia and built like an Olympic weight-lifting barbell.
In short, they have a strong reputation of offering premium products.
Rehband has several different models of knee sleeves to choose from. For this article, we chose the Rehband knee sleeves model 7051. They came in an electric blue and looked amazing!
Apart from the color, another thing you’ll notice when you buy these compression knee sleeves, is the way they feel.
The neoprene material is soft and smooth, with just the right amount of thickness. In fact, the Rehband 7051 knee sleeve is 7mm thick.
There’s also no unnecessary straps or wraps to annoy you during your exercise routine.
These knee sleeves are specifically made to fit the natural shape and motion of your knees. The contouring shape makes for a snug fit and helps to support knee mobility.
According to Rehband, these knee sleeves are considered to be a medical device. This is because of their anatomical construction and compression qualities.
Let’s Talk Sizing & Fit
Contrary to what your significant other may tell you, size matters (sorry, just being honest).
But don’t worry, we’ve got good news!
You see when it comes to the Rehband knee sleeves, bigger is not better.
Of course the first thing you need to do is measure yourself (btw we’re talking about your knees here).
If you don’t know how to measure your knees, this video will guide you through the steps.
After you’ve gotten your size, you can use the Rehband chart below to determine which knee sleeves you should get.
Based on feedback from other Rehband customers, and after conducting our own tests, we found that it’s best to go one size smaller than your actual measurements.
The reason you want to do this is to ensure that you have a snug fit all the time.
If you discover that you’re a large and buy a large, they’ll feel loose after you’ve worn them a few times. This won’t happen right away but it may happen a few months down the road.
This doesn’t mean the product is bad. It’s just something that happens to all compression sleeves or clothing.
What would make it bad would be if it lost it’s elastic support, and made you feel like you were putting your leg through a loose piece of clothing.
So think about that when you’re getting a pair.
NOTE: The size suggestion is only a suggestion. You don’t have to follow it. We just found that’s what worked for us. So feel free to go ahead and get your true size if you wish. Worse case scenario, you can just exchange them.
What Exactly Do Rehband Knee Sleeves Do?
They make you feel invincible. You can jump off a mountain and the Rehbands would still be fine when you landed.
However, your body would be part of the landscape – what did you expect?
Seriously though, these knee sleeves aren’t going to propel you to supreme athletic greatness. Your Rehband knee sleeves will ONLY do the following:
- Support your knees during exercise
- Keep your knees warm during exercise – the warmth improves blood flow in your knees
- Give your knees an extra boost when you’re trying to lock out that last superset of squats (you squat often right?)
- Provide you with a snug fit without the restrictive feeling of knee wraps
- Prevent knee strains and increase your muscle memory for correct movement
- Helps with wear and tear while protecting against soft tissue damage from lifting weights
Unfortunately, if you have major knee issues, these sleeves won’t magically correct that. You’ll need to see a doctor or physical therapist to get that sorted out.
Let’s Talk Pricing
Quick question, how much does total knee replacement surgery cost?
Bet you didn’t think your knee was worth as much as a BMW 3 series.
Heck, if you do total knee replacement surgery on both legs that’s a Tesla Model S right there!
Now you’re probably wondering… “what the hell does this have to do with picking the best compression knee sleeve for squats or exercise?”
Well it actually has a lot to do with the price of these knee sleeves. The Rehband knee sleeves model 7051 cost about $40 per sleeve.
They’re not sold as a pair. You have to buy two, which is about $80 with taxes and what not. Obviously you’re going to need two because… well… two knees, DUH!
Now if you compare that to the cost of total knee replacement surgery, it doesn’t seem so bad anymore right?
The cost of getting Rehbands and protecting your knees now is literally a million times cheaper. But of course, you must decide what’s best for your knees.
As we mentioned before, you are more than welcome to purchase some other brand of knee sleeves. They’ll probably last you a few months but at least you’ll save money upfront so you can spend it on beer, Starbucks coffee and takeout.
Hooray for savings!
Obviously $80 might seem high, we felt so too. But when you get these Rehband knee sleeves you’ll understand why it costs so much.
By the way, you’ll probably notice a bunch of cheap imitations available. Don’t be fooled by them or get suckered into buying a knockoff. The Rehband knee sleeves are patented and manufactured by skilled professionals.
These are not made in China and “assembled” in the USA like your iPhone, iPad, or Mac.
They’re well-made knee sleeves from Europe. So if you’re looking for the best compression knee sleeve, then consider grabbing these Rehband knee sleeves.
Verdict: Should You Buy It?
In terms of quality, durability, fit and functionality, we think the Rehband knee sleeves are definitely one of the best.
During testing, their tight supportive grip felt awesome.
Unlike knee wraps, there was no need to keep adjusting them between sets. Once you put them on in the change room, they’ll stay in place for your entire gym session.
We have nothing against knee wraps. We’ve used them before for some squat routines. But at the end of a routine, you’ll be dying to get them off. That’s because they kill circulation like a motherf*#$@r!
With the Rehbands, you won’t have this problem.
And when you go deep in your squat (ass to grass), it’ll feel like you’re stretching the knee sleeves to breaking point.
But they’ll snap back to form as you push the weights back up. It kind of feels weird at first but you’ll quickly get used to it.
The other thing you’ll notice (and love), is that your legs won’t feel tired.
Your knees will be nice and toasty. And you’ll feel like you could drop kick Chuck Norris and still be okay.
FYI: no one can drop kick Chuck Norris and survive!
Our only two issues with the Rehbands were getting them on and off.
Because they fit so tight and the neoprene isn’t really flexible, it can feel like you’re getting into a wetsuit at first.
But those problems won’t last long once you’re accustomed to them, and learn how to put them on.
You can probably say there’s a third drawback to these compression sleeves. That would be the price and the way they’re sold.
We’d be happy if they were sold for $69.99 a pair. And, if it wasn’t for Rehband’s history and reputation in the fitness world… we’d think $40 each was just another elaborate ponzi-scheme.
If you’re on the fence about getting these and money is your only concern, you can either save up a few more dollars or just buy something else.
Whatever you do, just get off the damn fence and stop loitering!
Look, we’re not going to tell you how to spend your hard earned cash. That’s for your to decide.
However, if you’re the type of person who is willing to pay a premium for a quality product from a reputable brand, you should consider the Rehband knee sleeves.
Final Thoughts
The Rehband brand as whole is really top notch.
You don’t have to take our word for it. Just visit your local gym or ask around in forums about the Rehband knee sleeves. A lot of folks in the fitness community will tell you why they think it’s the best compression knee sleeve.
Oh, for the record, we paid $39.85 each for our Rehband 7mm knee sleeves model 7051. They weren’t freebies contrary to what most people may think.
Just thought we’d let you know that we’re in the trenches with you. We put money on the line when it comes to reviewing cool products.
Hopefully you found this article useful.
If you did, you can thank your fellow member Kyle. We probably wouldn’t have checked out this product if he hadn’t reached out to us.